Press releases

Austria confirms great pre-season interest in Croatia

Croatia is the Favourite Holiday Destinations for Austrians

Croatian National Tourist Board at the 67th meeting of the UNWTO Regional Commission for Europe

02.06.2022. -
Press releases
Meeting of UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili and CNTB Director Staničić in Yerevan

The Grand Prix "Golden Pen" award goes to Hungary, Italy and Switzerland

27.05.2022. -
Press releases
In the beautiful ambience of the Meštrović Gallery in Split, the prestigious "Golden Pen" awards were presented tonight for the 18th time by the Croatian National Tourist Board.

Croatia presented in Bratislava as one of the most sought-after Mediterranean destinations

24.05.2022. -
Press releases
As we approach high-season great interest in Croatia confirmed from Slovakia

European Travel Commission extends complimentary membership to Ukraine’s Tourism Agency

19.05.2022. -
Press releases
Today, the European Travel Commission (ETC) reached a decision to invite the State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine (SATD) to join the organisation with a complimentary three-year membership.

Best business tourism agents visiting Croatia

18.05.2022. -
Press releases
There are a total of 21 agents from nine markets, with the largest number coming from France, Germany and Canada.

CNTB: call campaign launched across 14 markets

16.05.2022. -
Press releases
The campaign aims to promote the high season, that is to encourage foreign guests to visit Croatia during the upcoming summer months.

Croatia ramps up promotion as we approach the high season

13.05.2022. -
Press releases
CNTB representative offices directors selected in six markets

The 5th International Rural Tourism Congress aroused great interest in the tourism sector

25.04.2022. -
Press releases
Sunflower Award of Croatian Rural Tourism in as many as eight categories.

Croatia to be connected with over 460 airline routes this summer

20.04.2022. -
Press releases
Most overall rotational connections will come with the markets of Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy and the Netherlands.