Buy Croatia Scandinavia 2019 - Foreign participants: Submission #8

Company Data:
Name of Company:
Suomen Matka-agentit Oy
Lundinkatu 16
Postal Code:
Tel. / Fax:
+358 50 371 7261
Selective forms of tourism:
Continental tourism
Key Information about your Company:
Corporation, Tour operator
Suomen Matka-Agentit is 19 years old. We have offices in 4 cities in Finland, Helsinki, Turku, Porvoo and Joensuu. Our turnover was 2018 7.3 mill euros. There are 14 workers in our company.
70 % is our own production, 25 % bussines traveling and 5 % others like hotels, train etc. So 75 % is leasure and 25 bussines traveling.
Our own produvtion means
formula and motorcycling
handycap tourism
brochure production means often round trips
Main focus in our bussines are gruops.